One of the great joys in life is to have loving, doting grandparents. They make birthdays and milestone occasions extra special. Grandparents get great pleasure from making their brood happy. And they do a good job of it. In return, they receive treasures like handmade greeting cards with crayon scribbled “I love you’s”. Handmade crafts from grade schoolers fill their shelves and line their refrigerators. Chances are, grandparents don’t need material or decorative items at this stage of their life. So, what are great gifts for them? Good health, safety and well-being are what they need most. This gift is easily found at We’re referring to CVS gift cards. When the kids and grandkids are looking for a great gift for the grandparents – health and well being are the gifts that count.
“With the CVS gift card, I can be a contribution to my grandparents health and well being from now on.”
CVS Pharmacy gift cards can be used to purchase an array of items to stock the shelves of grandparents and elderly relatives everywhere. With wellness items like vitamins, supplements and medicine chest essentials, gift cards are the way to go for sending good health.
Print and Hand Deliver A CVS Gift Card Today
For the grandparents that might be technically challenged, you may not want to send a digital gift card by text or email. Instead, choose print delivery. The personal visit with a gift card in hand will mean the world to them. The practicality of a CVS gift card will let them know how much you care.
Happy New Year! Today brings a wonderful opportunity to send our warmest wishes for good health, peace and abundance in the New Year. May 2020 see your goals realized, relationships strengthened, challenges lessened and may kindness abound. The new year brings with it an opportunity to consider ideas and resolutions that can make a difference in your family, your community and your world this year. Here are some suggestions on how you can make a difference using gift cards from eGifter.
Spend quality time with the one(s) you love most! Schedule some playtime and create the memorable moments that will go down in family history — fun list of gift ideas is here.
Find the philanthropist in you. There are so many worthwhile causes that need our support to continue their good works. The Charity Choice gift card is a very special way to honor someone, either by investing yourself or by making a donation in their name. There are hundreds of organizations to which you can donate, and here are just a few: Alzheimer’s Association, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Autism Speaks, Food for the Poor, Greenpeace USA, Jewish Federations of North America, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Shriner’s Hospital for Children and World Vision.
Make a difference for that struggling young family in your community by gifting them practical provisions that lessen the strain. Diapers, pharmacy items, formula and warm clothes are gifts of practicality and love that matter. Checkout this shortlist of retail brands that would make life easier for the parents — and provide much needed care for the kids– click here.
Invest in your future — and in future generations. Gift cards that allow you to easily buy and own company stock are smart buys — and great entry points to teach fiscal responsibility to the youngsters in your life. Teaching them to save and invest wisely through the ease and convenience of gift cards to Acorns or Stockpile lets you entrust the future to those who will inherit the earth.
Celebrate a milestone in the family! The mundane of daily life can lull us into laziness, taking for granted the fact that we only pass this way but once. So, make it count! Take them out to dinner at one of the many restaurants featured at and have a great time together – dining list is here.
One of the most rewarding parts of our day is getting positive feedback from satisfied customers. This customer did a wonderful job of painting the picture. And we could not be more proud of our team and our technology. We bring you this quote from Tasha, who posted this review on the Trustpilot review site. Tasha, we’re so happy to have saved Christmas for you and your family! And now, a Christmas gift card review.
A Christmas Gift Card Review
“I was desperately looking for perfect Christmas gifts for 3 of my 4 kids – last minute, and after banking hours…unfortunately for my near zilch pocketbook! I needed the ability to purchase with my PayPal account and have immediate access (or at least within a day of pickup access) to my purchases.
“Thanks, and may God bless anyone affiliated with!”
I cannot thank or even begin to show my gratitude toward eGifter and its reliability during the very stressful holiday season! Soaring beyond any expectations with the service, actual usage of the services provided, ease of use with the site, the ability to access and pay for the services they provide, and lastly, the different levels of safety that I have yet to see with any other online sites that involve purchasing with PayPal (or any way of purchasing, actually!)
It was very fast, beyond what I was looking for this Christmas and resulted in it being what my own children called, ” the best Christmas EVER!”
This is not from a dollar stance or from a materialistic view, I have realized. This was mainly due to the fact that I wasn’t frantically running around with my usual overly stressed and often ending in a fight with my husband after a financially based issue that happened at the usual last minute retail store we visit!
In the past, THAT has been our experience: It’s Christmas even, the store is closing as we head to checkout line with our big ticket items in buggy. To our dismay and shock, our bank gives us MORE trouble with our debit card due to a suspected issue with fraud or something else. (That “something else” has thus far always been due to our own purchases being denied in a former transaction resulting in an authorization hold. We would never have anticipated that red flag!)
In those terrible past experiences, we felt so low that we started to fight immediately! We blaming each other even though neither of us were at fault — EVER!
Those past moments of embarrassment and upset had us leave the store empty handed to call our bank. I remember struggling to regain my self respect and self confidence, which I am sorry to say.
But I CAN say (so joyfully!) that THIS Christmas, I had NONE of that! While I was indeed a last minute holiday shopper, this year has been a truly memorable experience.
I know for sure that my great experience was due to my before-hand purchasing of gift cards as a backup in case we had any issues. Though I try to be proactive now, who needs a nervous breakdown in the middle of Walmart on Christmas eve?!
Not me, not this year! Or ever again!
Thanks eGifter, for the ability to buy with unusually unacceptable means and making it beyond easy and super fast! I owe you more than money can make up for, for certain!