#ThankATeacher: Shop Gift Cards

Teacher Gift Card

Remember your favorite teacher? If they made you feel special, chances are you do. That feeling is most likely the reason that some teachers so memorable. Fact is, ordinary people in our society have a wonderful opportunity to have an extraordinary impact on the world through teaching. For example, great teachers motivate curiosity, inspire discovery and add wonder. If your child had a teacher like that during the full school year of COVID-19, now is the perfect time to #thankateacher: shop gift cards.

The Best Teachers Make Us Feel Special

Through the global pandemic of COVID-19, educators have been unrelenting in their commitment to students. They have gone to great lengths to add knowledge and improve test scores. But, the gift of being able to make students feel special is unique. As the expression goes, they may forget what you said–  but won’t forget how you made them feel.

#ThankATeacher – Class of 2021

Classroom life is demanding. There’s rarely a chance to award the proper recognition to teaching staff. So, aside from a gift card reward or chatchke, we pause to reflect and #thankateacher.

  1. Great teachers can affect eternity. We can never tell where their influence ends.  
  2. Despite many constraints, great teachers are unstoppable in their passion for sharing.
  3. Staying cool under pressure, great teachers keep classrooms focused and engaged.
  4. How many hats does a teacher wear? Think parent, friend, coach, cheerleader, confidant.
  5. No matter how hard the day, great teachers remain kind, patient and dependable.
  6. As role models for lifelong learning, demonstrate the joys of discovery and community.
  7. The strong, guiding presence of a caring teacher is rarely forgotten.

Only a digital rewards platform like eGifter can offer the best recognition rewards card as a way to say thanks.

Written by Team eGifter